Monday, May 12, 2014

down Moab way

It happened. I went to Moab. I bought jewelry for myself. I slept in a tipi. I drove lots of canyon and winding road, just so much. I climbed mountains. I went to Arches. They all happened this weekend, people. So many new things for this girl. It was a genuinely exciting and fun time. I would be lying if I said that there weren't nerve-fraying moments, mostly having to do with driving through the canyon or Arches. Those roads in Arches are no kind of fun. But in other ways, dreams came true.

Some cacti neighbors of ours. I just love cacti.
It's nice to see them in their natural habitat.
I. Slept. In. A. Tipi. 
Let that sink in for a moment. 
All the dreams of my six year old self dressed as Laura Ingalls Wilder came true. 
Home sweet home for one night, complete with a beautiful view. 
There is something deeply satisfying about fulfilling the dream of your six year old self. 

Also, I would recommend Moab Under Canvas to anyone. Go and stay in their tipis. 
So we checked in. 

Became familiar with our surroundings, and settled in. 
Research and nesting are necessary, no matter where you are.

Then we took ourselves into Moab proper. Did some nostalgic shopping in stores Grandma frequented and I have been to many a time with my mama. 
I made my very first jewelry purchase for myself at one of these stores. 
It was sort of perfect. 
My jet earrings. I went round and round the counters and I  kept coming back to these.
I mean I drooled over many pieces. But let's be real, there are things a teacher can only dream about.
These earrings were both beautiful and doable. Plus, I love them. 
I also couldn't go home without these. My mom told me they're called
Navajo pearls. Every girl needs a pair of pearls, right?


Then it was time to hunker down for the evening. There may have been friendship bracelet-making involved with the evening's festivities. 
Good morning, Moab. And what a beautiful morning it was too.

Then off to Arches. Bless my sweet little lapi car. It valiantly went up those hills as I refused to go over 35 mph. Those curves. The possibility of falling off the cliff side. 
There he is. The champion of the day. 

Balancing Rock. One of the first stopping off points on the way to the Delicate Arch hike.
I think it's a lovely entrance point. 
We hiked the Delicate Arch. I am no hiker. I love and appreciate nature. But I neither love nor appreciate heights. The thought of falling from said heights and being caught somewhere where no one will hear your cries, is always with me. 
But I muscled my way through those fears and did it. It was worth it because it was quintessential and beautiful. But it didn't suddenly change me into a mountain and/or cliff climber. Doesn't mean I didn't appreciate it and love it. 
"Oh what are man compared to rocks and trees?"
The view from the back side of the last leg of the trail. It looked like someone had taken a spoon to the rock.
So, so cool. 

We made it to the Delicate Arch! I stayed on the opposite side of it, sitting on a rock and marveling
at the general beauty and splendor. It was such a lovely, overcast day, which made the red rocks and the green accents just pop

Proof that I was there. See my shoe?
For the beauty of the earth. 

We did some more driving around the park and ended up at the Double Arch. The Double Arch is some cool stuff. The walk to it is wonderful because you just see the double arch coming closer and closer. Plus, there aren't any heights involved in it. Major bonus. You can get close without having to fear tumbling to your untimely death. 
Probably one of my favorite views of the day. 

Breath taking
We said goodbye to the beautiful Moab and the beautiful Arches National Park and all the awe-inspiring views. Drove back to Provo-town. I'm an Oklahoma girl, who's used to flat, there was nothing like driving through all the canyon nonsense between Moab and Provo to make me feel the sweet relief of being back in my apartment.